Scotts Bluff County Scanner Sponsor
This Scotts Bluff County business directory will continue to grow to a point where we will implement a search function as well as primary business categories. Boost your business for only $20, $50 or $150/mo.
Not associated with any government agency.
Scotts Bluff County Scanner
Corporate Sponsor
* Bold Hyperlink Listing in our Business Directory
* Exposure on Social Media
* Website Exposure
* Personal Referrals
* Large Graphical Listing in SBCO Business Directory
* Ability to Update Your Listing and Specials
* Exposure on Social Media
* Exposure on Websites
* Personal Referrals
* Full Radio IntervieW
* Exposure on Spotify, Apple, Google, Amazon +
* Feature Article Written
* 50 :30 second Radio Ads on KDIG-FM online
* Featured Headliner Listing in SBCO Business Directory
* Ability to Update Your Listing and Specials
* Exposure on Social Media
* Exposure on Website
* Personal Referrals
* Full Radio Interview
* Promotion on Spotify, Apple, Google, Amazon +
* Feature Article Written
* 150 :30 second Radio Ads on KDIG-FM online
* 150 :30 second Radio Ads on KDIG-AM online
* ROKU TV Sponsorship
* Bus. Category Exclusivity
Feel free to contact us about anything!